North Brixton Big Local is led by local residents, supported by community organisations and partners who share our vision for a thriving, connected neighbourhood. Our team is made up of people who live and work in North Brixton, all committed to making a lasting, positive difference.
From volunteers to project leaders, everyone plays a role in shaping the future of our area. Meet the people who are working together to build a better North Brixton, and find out how you can get involved too.
I joined Big Local in 2018 and became chair in 2022 mainly because Big Local had established a reputation as a trailblazer, highlighting innovation in providing services to our diverse communities. Our work in North Brixton has required us to have a high degree of joint stakeholder working to create a place where people feel empowered and supported to deliver services that are of benefit to our communities.
Big Local success in serving the needs of the North Brixton communities has been hard earned and is due, in no small part, to the close relationships we have built up in the area. Their feedback and opinions drive our priorities, particularly regarding our service development. I’m honoured to be part of the Big Local Partnership and care passionately about the relationships we’ve built with individuals, organisations and families in North Brixton and am committed to investing my time and energy in improving the lives of the communities we serve.
Our partnership members are local residents who sit on our Partnership board and make decisions about North Brixton Big Local.